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- Publication:
- Arlington Review-Heraldi
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- Arlington, Nebraska
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- 4
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THE MVIlW-HfeltAL0 AftUNaLON NftAfiAJKA Hla MRS ANNA WISNER KILLED Harold Laaker Celebrates 10th Birthday £5 'Arlington Review-Herald cl i hi-IHII KM KVtET THURSDAY BY THfc FABBKTT PRINTING COMPANY Falls in Front of Train at Crossing Commissioner Proceedings County Commissioners Room Blair Nebr Apr 4 1916 The Board of County Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment taken Mar 24 1916 Present James Maher Fred Heuermann absent Burdic The minutes of the last oozing were read aud approved The following claims were allowed: Million road work Board of Com of Insanity Kdtwr iMiiitMbrr Kwumsu AnBrrwit MYRON LEARNED CANDIDATE FOR DISTRICT DELEGATE TO REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION PBsaumow: Du Yew In StufftoCaplM Subscription account are retarded as so open account or standing order and paper will be sent and rharfed lor until ordeied topped auvibtisimo: Adrariuine rote mad bow Boe applleattoe loth publisher Atladvertlslnt run until ordered out Publishing Card of Thanks- Kc Publishing Resolution of Condolence aOc Catered at the Post Ooe at Arlington Heb sound class matter If you have never hern at a hoys birthday party you should have had a peep at the boys on Tuesday after noon Little hoys know just how to do it They have our lad parties beat a country mile Who ever heard of tatting and crocheting being any good to work up a party appetite These little fellows needed that several rounds of bnsebatl would put them In excellent shape for sandwiches and Ice cream Aud it sure did work tine didn't It buys? After the game was over uppnr was announced and the little guests all us sent bled on the hack porch where they had a general rub down (some thing else society ladles miss) They were then ushered Into the dining room where they found the table all aglow with tiny lights which re-minded one of Fairyland In the center was a huge birthday cake decorated with roses aud tiny lighted candles on each plate was a small oake with a lighted candle in the center The boys made haste to put their cakes into a place of safety toe (hey should burn them Much a time as they did have They all decided to help Harold celebrate hla birthday next year Those presant were: Clifford (Cliff) Decker Ora (Bud) Fitch Ralph (Crappy) Crapeuhoft Theodore (Ted) Antrim Walter Wohhy) MeRlbbon Farnum (Jake) Franzenburg Lutber (Bruce) Mansfield Clarence (Fat) McKibbnn Elliott (Bill) Crane Dale (Pet) Pettijohn Donald (Dutch) Ludwig Joseph (Jo) Blackburn Harold (Bo) Laaker Alien Laaker Therlo Recktneyer The boys expect to give little Therlo bis nickname when he has been properly initiated iuto the boye clan III City of HUIr water rent 8 96 Alfred A Compton salary 1W9 60 Hansen for poor 3 50 Hammond A Stephens supplies 15 16 Warren Jones poor 20 Andrew Jones Insurance 80 00 Jas Maher freight fi 17 Neb Telephone Co phones 18 86 John Kruger road work 21 00 The Shoe Wan poor 1 60 Peter Petersen poor farm 118 60 John Peebles for poor 12 00 Hans Larsen repairs 6 80 Cooke for poor Farm 1 10 A A Compton expenses 19 20 A A Compton guard fur jail 4 00 Cross losurauoe 76 00 Schelgel Mfg Co supplies 1 16 Reese Printing Co supplies 8126 George A Doll salary 212 60 Fred Heuertnan com Work 71 00 Fred Woltje rent 8 00 On motion duly made and carried the bond of the Beaty Contracting Company for the faithful performance of all stipulations contained in the annual Bridge Contract enterer Into by the said Beaty Contracting Co and Washington County Nebraska for the year 1916 was approved with the sureties thereon Moved and seconded that the County Clerk be and hereby is ordered to advertise for bids on the oonstruc-tlnn of a concrete oulvert to be built In the gully on the Omaha road In DeSoto Township ia section 20 Township 18 Range 12 and that this Board adopt ibe plans and specification! furnished by the Stale Engineer Carried all members present voting Here the Boari adjourned until Apr 26 1916 at 9 a Ove Anderson county clerk Business Is seuttive It goes only wbere It le Invited and stays only where tt well treated Be Careful About Mistakes A printer aannot afford to wake mistakes with customers When plumber makes a mistake he charges twice for It When a lawyer makes a mistake just what he wanted because he can try the case all over again When an eleotrictan makes a mistake he blames It on an Induction because nobody knowa what that la When a doctor makes a mistake he buries It When a Judge makes a mistake It becomes the law of the laud But with a printer it is different He has to be oareful He cannot turn bia mistake Into profit or a profession aa other people do Grocer Kmuunt Trilium- Wed Ajn il hth Mr Atm Wjsunr wife 1 1 ry WUner a foundry man wi inxlamly killed at Him Hlre-r ei-MMitiia' if tli Burlington about 11:30 o'clock this forenoon when string of thru or four box oars poshed ly swueh en sine ran over h-r M-uih-r of (lie train crew whnki warn headed hy (' -duutor liradv say that I In young woman dcllheralety threw 1 1 rs I nu the crossing In front ol ear- A the time of the tragedy Mrs Wisio was at work at the foundry block distant north while her two little boye aged 9 and 5 were plaj -ing with other children in a vacant lot a block to tbe south Mrs Wlsnerleft the Kretnmt hospital where she was under treatment for a nervous trouble fifteen nimuies before she was killed As rb passed out thru the she feifoii ipd hat she would take a little walk in the fresh air Miss Kelly siipeiiuten-dent admonished her to be hack In rime for dinner Mre Wlsuer seemed to he In good spirit had chatted with the nurses during the morning Her illness was not si'ch as to confine her to bed A Union Pacific switchman says (hat he saw Mrs Winder near the Burlington crossing several minutes before the tragedy Two or three other persons saw tier approaching the crossing Her home is south of tbe tracks a block or two below tbe crossing and it' was supposed she intended to go there Mrs body was carried a distance of 60 feet by (he trucks of tbe box car that truck her licit the wheels did not pass over her Her skull was crushed and her face bruls ed and one foot crushed After the train had passed she was left a helpless heap lying flat on her backt squarely between the rails The train wae stopped and members of tile crew Sent notice to the cproner A tow women residing in the vicinity most of them nelghbrtrS oT Mrs Wia ner gathered at the scene but the body was not removed until an undertaker came Tbe husband ar rived from the foundry across the way while the knot of neighbors Waited Mrs (Slier was divorced from her hufband a few years ago but they had the decree set aside recently During a brief period she received treatment a hospital In Lincoln She went to the Fremont hospital last Sunday being accompanied by her husband Mrs Wisner was 28 years of age Sbe was formerly Anua Laaker of Fremont cousin to John Lasker and daughter to Herman Laaker who resided In the Stranghoeuer house on 8th in Arllugtdn about 26 years ago Coroner Van decided not to hold an inquest The remains wre burled In Arlington cemetery on last Thursday POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT Charley Edward Schneider Fort Galhoun Nebraska Born in Washington Gounty in 1862 and a resident ever since never held a political office and now asks the voters of Washington Gounty as a Candidate for the House of Representatives from Washington Gounty on the Republican Ticket for their support I want it understood by those whijse suffrage I ask that if nominated and chosen Repre- sentative I will think of the people of my county first and my political welfare second in the administration of the office I want it to be specific in that if elected I will work with all my enery and for such laws as are needed for the state It will not be my purpose to cripple any laws of need or such laws as to be sorely needed for the state I will use my judgement as 1 believe the people would have me do in administrating the of-fce 1 am a believer by law for the best interest of taxpayers even to the reduction of the State Tax where it is possible for me to do so Your vote will be appreciated Primaries April 18th New Zealand New Zealand was named by Dutchmen after the district In Holland of Sealand or Zeeland mM' Brief and Breezy many a low trtok pulled off on the high seat It's no cinch to belong to the fire department In the war munitions community There a man in Louisville who Jumps thirteen stories down an elevator shaft and breaks hla leg while another man merely proposes to pretty girl aud breaks his heart Anyway and preparedness discussion can hardly be called prophetlese Some girls imagine that every uu married man they meet Is looklag for a wife A woman's aim la proverbially in-noourate but a married man says when abe throws a hint ahe hits the target nine times out of a possible ten vi-i- 1 I Another thing that lends witchery to the rural landscape these days la the fact that "the folks on the new grnun Is If the Russian boot is generally worn In winter why not the FIJI atooking In summer PATRONIZE All White Barber Shop Lou Melvardi Prop First Door East of ALL RIGHT WHO? Congressman 0 LOBECK Democratic Candidate FOR RE-ELECTION Nominate Him at the Primaries April 18 1916 McKELVIE FOR GOVERNOR Ha Will Win Tbs candidate for governor who at this time is generally looked upon as a sure winner le McKelvle publisher of the Nebraska Farmer He Is Like other provincials when they become famous Patleuoe Worth St literary ghost has gone to New York jSm- Russia has ordered 10000 Pullman oars and it must be admitted that Russia has the names for mm Somebody asks us If we are with Mr Brysu in his uopreparedneaa propaganda No this here is a spinal column i How's This? jtmm BENJ BAKER Republican Candidate FOR CONGRESS We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-ward for any case of Catarrh that oannot be cured by Catarrh eure Chsnky A Co Toledo We tbe undersigned have known Cheeoy for tbe last 18 years and believe him perfectly bouorahle In ail bus! new transactions and financially able to carry oat any obligations made br hla firm National Bank of Commeroe Toledo Catarrh Cure la taken Internally acting directly upon the blood aadauMous aurfaoe of tbe system Testimonials sent free Price 76 entsper bottle sold by all druggits Take Family Hills for young and active clean and honorable knows from a Ufstlme spsnt In the tote what the needs of tbs stats are has an exceptional record ss a successful business man has a splendid record as legislator and lieutenant governor and hs has made a clean high class campaign which should command the respect of all thoughtful voter These are some of the reasons why he Is generally referred to as The Popular Candidate Vote for a man who has gfiven you every service that was consistent with public demand for several successful terms in office Your vote will be appreciated We need a man in Congress of Ability Vim and Vigor Hind Last of a Camel camel's hind legs will teach round Its ohsst a fc ifMk.
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- Years Available:
- 1901-1948