Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (2024)

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Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (1)

Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (2)

If you would like to learn more about us, please call 1-800-ADOPTION (2367846), fill out the form at the bottom of our on-line profile page, or email us at bp_information@americanadoptions.com.

To revisit our on-line profile page and view our profile video at American Adoptions, simply use your mobile phone to scan the QR code on the right. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (3)

We love stories! We love reading stories. We love writing stories. We love hearing, watching, and sharing stories. We are excited to share some parts of our family story with you; however, we are most excited about the possibility that your story, our story, and the story of your sweet baby may come together on the same page. We honor your stories and your journey and we are so humbled and grateful that you are open to learning more about us. We can't wait to hear your story!

About Us




Plant Scientist

Stay-at-Home Mom


Ph.D. in Plant Science

Bachelor's Degree in Business Management


Anelle, Carwin, Winston


Legally Married



Why Do We Want to Adopt?

Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (4)

From Whitney: Ever since I was a little girl, I have known two things deep in my heart that I wanted to be a mother and I wanted to adopt. For as long as I can remember I have been drawn to characters in books and movies who are adopted: stories like Annie, The Secret Garden, The Boxcar Children, Anne of Green Gables, and so many more. These characters and the characters who ultimately love and take care of these children are some of my favorite characters ever written.

When I was a little girl, my father (who is an attorney) was involved in helping a family with an adoption. In the process, he invited my mother and me to help care for the baby in the short transition time between the hospital and placement with the adoptive parents. I was amazed at the miracle of that little baby and I knew that I wanted to experience the miracle of adoption for myself.

Each of my children hold a special place in my heart and I know there is yet another piece of my heart that has always been reserved for the child that will take a different journey to my arms.

From Andrew: Nothing else compares to fatherhood. Each time a newborn is placed in my arms, I am overwhelmed with joy and gratitude that I get to be the father. I love raising my kids! Each child has taught me so much and helped me to experience true happiness. I want to adopt because I feel like there is so much more I can learn and I know having a new child join our family will help me become better.

I believe that adopting a child will be an exciting and important part of our family story.

Qualities We Admire in Each Other

Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (5)

Whitney About Andrew: The first thing that attracted me to Andrew is that he has a gentleness about him. He's physically strong and coordinated; yet he is also kind, thoughtful, and unassuming. He's brilliant and yet is also very good at connecting well with everyone around him. He genuinely loves learning and makes an effort to learn from everything and everyone. He willingly makes frequent sacrifices to put our family first. He is a very involved and present husband and father. Andrew is an optimist and always finds solutions to problems and a happy way forward. And he is so fun! He's constantly chasing our children around the house, playing on the floor with the kids, making me laugh, and planning new family adventures. I adore Andrew!! He is my best friend and I feel beyond blessed that I get to share my life with him.

Andrew About Whitney: When I first met Whitney I did not want to leave. She made me laugh and I soon found out she is very intelligent. I also soon learned how kind and loving she is to others. She would plan activities just to help friends. The best thing is that nothing has changed. She continues to make me laugh and inspires me to be more selfless. She is always interested in learning and enjoys teaching our children new things such as math, writing, baking or gymnastics. I enjoy having the time to watch her have fun with our kids by doing crafts, playing board games, or playing hide and seek. She is also very patient, kind, and loving which helps her to assess difficult situations with our children or other kids and quickly diffuse the situation. I have truly enjoyed watching my family grow with the help of Whitney because she helps us all to be better. Asking Whitney to marry me was the best decision I have ever made and thankfully she said yes.

20 Fun Facts About Us

10 Fun Facts About Andrew

  • He has two birthdays
  • He speaks Spanish
  • He worked on the Arsenal pro soccer fields in England
  • He's a potato expert
  • He grew up in New York state
  • He has red hair
  • He can juggle
  • He lived in Mexico for two years
  • He has four baby teeth that never fell out
  • He was a munchkin in a production of The Wizard of Oz
  • 10 Fun Facts About Whitney

  • She was a competitive gymnast
  • She lived in the U.S. Virgin Islands
  • She managed a company that made bridal gowns and prom dresses
  • She grew up in a small town in Idaho
  • She's named after her great-grandfather
  • She mowed lawns with a push mower for 10 years
  • She hiked Angel's Landing in Zion National Park
  • She has a steel plate and six screws in her left arm
  • She has rewritten the words of a few rap songs
  • She planned a prom for her own birthday party
  • Photos

    Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (6)
    Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (7)
    Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (8)
    Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (9)
    Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (10)
    Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (11)
    Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (12)
    Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (13)
    Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (14)
    Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (15)
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    Our House and Neighborhood

    Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (30)

    The first room we designed and set up was the playroom for the kids. We love having a space dedicated to their adventures, learning, and creating! We also love spending time together in our large kitchen cooking and baking delicious food for our family and to share with neighbors and friends. We can't get enough of the yard we created outside: complete with playground area, many fruit trees, and garden boxes full of homegrown fruits and vegetables.

    Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (31)

    We moved into our home during the pandemic, as did all of our neighbors. These unique circ*mstances united a group of culturally diverse families into a community of friends. While we love our home itself, our neighbors are our favorite part of where we live. Everyone looks out for all of the children in our neighborhood and we are constantly seeing neighbors help each other with various home and yard projects.

    Our street hosts holiday block parties for the 4th of July, Halloween, and Christmas. We love joining all of our neighbors in our driveways to share the food and fun of our various cultural backgrounds.

    Our Extended Families

    Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (32)

    Our extended family spans from coast to coast! We love gathering with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins for any occasion in person or virtually. Here are some of our favorite family traditions:

    Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (33)
  • Grandma's candy hunts (treasure hunting for hidden candy)
  • Going grocery shopping with grandpa
  • Reading stories with grandma
  • Playing board games and card games with aunts and uncles
  • Making gingerbread houses
  • Going on walks
  • Playing football on Thanksgiving Day
  • Watching fireworks together
  • Camping with cousins
  • Video calls with grandparents, aunts, uncles, & cousins
  • Baking cookies with grandma
  • Playing cornhole, ladder toss, croquet, and skittle scatter
  • Playing pickleball with grandpa
  • Making holiday crafts with cousins
  • Playing in the snow and drinking hot cocoa after
  • Cousin dance parties
  • Going to the nearest library and checking out a lot of books
  • Telling uncle Chad knock knock jokes
  • Our kids love being with their cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. We love seeing how much our family members love our kids.

    We both grew up with cousins who joined our extended families through adoption. In our families, adoption is part of the family story. Our parents are so excited to have a new grandchild join the crew!

    Whitney's grandmother hand made thousands of baby quilts that she donated to children's hospitals, family members, and friends. She loved all children and wanted every child to feel the warmth and love of having a blanket that was made just for them. Our children each have a special blanket from great-grandma Helen. A few years ago, Helen passed away at the age of 97; however, we saved some special blankets (a few of her favorites!) to select the perfect quilt to welcome our adopted child into our family.

    From Us to You

    Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (34)

    We know that it takes a lot of sacrifice and courage to carry a baby inside of you and even more love and bravery to consider adoption. You are amazing! You are stronger and braver than you know. In our home, we will always speak of you in a spirit of love and deep appreciation. We will emphasize to our child that their birth mother is strong and brave and loves them so very much.

    We certainly aren't perfect people and we aren't perfect parents either. Our three kids have broken us in well and continue to better train us daily. We were pretty clueless with our first baby; however, we are happy to say that we have learned so much and improved our parenting approach a lot. We are better prepared to parent a new child than ever before! And while we cannot promise you perfection, we have some promises that we would like to offer you:

  • We promise to love your child selflessly, completely, deeply, and gratefully. We promise to never stop showing and sharing our love for them.
  • We promise to choose a special name for your child that has a significant meaning and honors their cultural heritage.
  • We promise to be your child's champion and protect them and advocate for them.
  • We promise to nurture and patiently teach your child. We promise to never stop learning ourselves so that we can always share more with them.
  • We promise your child will laugh a lot and experience so much JOY as they grow up.
  • We promise your child will have the best three siblings who will be fiercely loyal to them and set great examples of being kind, smart, funny, generous, brave, adventurous, active, and curious.
  • We promise to guide your child in discovering their own talents and gifts and help them share their light with the world.
  • We promise we will help them become strong, thoughtful, and brave, just like you.
  • We are eager to share our home, our lives, and our hearts with your child. We are excited to discuss the specific details of an open adoption with you. We are happy to provide pictures and updates as desired in the years to come. We are also happy to discuss any additional requests you may have.

    We are so excited that adoption allows us to add both you and your child to our family. In the words sung by Rina Sawayama and Elton John, "We don't need to be related to relate. We don't need to share genes or surname. You are my chosen family."

    We know adding a new family member doesn't divide love, it multiplies it!

    We are more than willing to provide any additional information or answer any of your questions. We look forward to learning more about you!

    Andrew & Whitney





    Matt Damon

    Tom Hanks


    Audrey Hepburn

    Jessica Brown Findlay





    Charles Dickens

    Dale Carnegie



    Anne of Green Gables, The Secret Garden

    Candy Bar

    Baby Ruth

    Dark Chocolate


    Scooby Doo


    Childhood Memory

    Playing basketball with my family in our driveway

    Getting a puppy for Christmas

    Childhood Toy


    Cabbage Patch Dolls

    Children's Book

    Dogs Don't Wear Sneakers

    Little Critter books, The Boxcar Children



    Washington, D.C.

    Classic Movie


    Home Alone




    Day of Week




    Death by chocolate cheesecake

    Yellow cake with chocolate frosting

    Disney Movie



    Dream Car


    Ford GT sports car

    Dream Job

    Running a hydroponic greenhouse


    Dream Vacation


    Portugal & Azores

    Family Activity

    Board games & card games

    Baking, bike rides, board games

    Flower / Plant





    Thai food

    Form of Exercise

    Playing sports

    Bike rides outside, pickleball





    Machi Koro




    Planning parties & gatherings




    Holiday Song

    With Wondering Awe

    Joy to the World

    Holiday Tradition

    Going to the Beach

    Choosing meaningful gifts

    Ice Cream

    Mint Chocolate Chip

    Cookie Dough

    Junk Food

    Sweet Chili Doritos

    Cool Ranch Doritos

    Leisure Activity

    Rock climbing, mountain biking, playing soccer or pickleball

    Reading for fun, taking a nap



    Food Network

    Memory with a Child

    Sleeping in our tent in the backyard

    Watching my kids play happily with each other

    Memory with Spouse

    Traveling to Orlando together

    Talking on roadtrips


    Jerry & Marge Go Large

    Top Gun: Maverick, Christmas in Connecticut

    Movie Munchie

    Bowl of ice cream

    Muddy Buddies

    Movie Type

    Sci-Fi, Drama




    Newsies, Annie

    Musical Group


    Ben Rector

    Nursery Rhyme

    Jack Be Nimble

    Little Miss Muffet

    Olympic Event

    All of them


    Personal Hero

    My Dad

    My Mom





    My Wife

    Rob Thomas (the singer)

    Quality about my Spouse

    She's fun

    His gentle nature


    "The only thing we to fear is fear itself." -Franklin D. Roosevelt

    "You do not find the happy life. You make it." -Camilla Kimball



    Cheesecake Factory


    Turkey Melt



    Enos 1:29

    Matthew 19:26

    Shopping Store


    Hobby Lobby


    In My Life

    Canon in D

    Sport to Play



    Sport to Watch



    Sports Star

    Paul Scholes

    Simone Biles

    Sports Team

    Manchester United


    Subject in School


    Economics, Public Speaking




    Thing to Cook

    Brown butter alfredo pasta

    Chicken curry, Thai peanut noodles

    Time of Day

    5:00 a.m.

    Reading to kids at bedtime


    Reading to my kids at night

    Eating dinner together as a family every night

    TV Show


    Kid's Baking Championship

    TV Show Character

    Burton Guster

    Adrian Monk

    Type of Music



    Vacation Spot


    Caribbean Islands

    Video Game

    Super Mario Bros. 3

    Tetris, Mario, Wii Sports

    Get in Touch

    Provide more information, so American Adoptions can connect you with this family.

    Waiting Adoptive Family Profile - Andrew & Whitney (2024)


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    Article information

    Author: Tyson Zemlak

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5565

    Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

    Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Tyson Zemlak

    Birthday: 1992-03-17

    Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

    Phone: +441678032891

    Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

    Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

    Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.